Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoom Video was primarily used by businesses and universities. These days Zoom is being used by people of all ages.

This instructional video explains how to install the Zoom application or app onto a personal computer. You can download step-by-step instructions here.

Also, if you are using a mobile device, there are several other apps you can use to video chat with the important people in your life:

  • Duo by Google
  • Facebook Messenger*
  • FaceTime by Apple (for iPads and iPhones only)
  • Skype by Microsoft*
  • What’s App by Facebook*

*Usable both on mobile devices and PCs.

Android and iPhone Video options

These are five of the most common Android and iPhone Video options. Each one has a limited number of callers allowed.

by Apple

FaceTime Logo

32 Callers


Facebook Messenger Logo

50 Callers

What’s App
by Facebook

Whats App Logo

4 Callers

by Google

Duo Logo

12 Callers

by Microsoft

Skype Logo

50 Callers

Zoom Meeting
by Zoom

Zoom Meeting Logo

49 Callers – 1 Host

Amy and Ken - We want to hear from you

We want to hear from you!

Have you used internet-based video conference software to stay in touch during social distancing?

Tell us about your experience with using these apps in the comments below!