iPhone Courses

Instructor Information

Class scheduling note:

Apple releases a new operating system every year in mid September. iPhone and iPad users usually adopt new operating systems very quickly, around 50% at the 4 week mark at least. Be aware that scheduling classes either immediately before or after the release can result in issues with training manuals.

This course covers iPhone use and features. Note that the iPad and iPhone course cover the same iOS material but each also includes features unique to the iPhone or iPad.

Instructors may run into users of older iOS versions in any class, especially since not all older devices are eligible for the newest OS. Users with older operating systems or devices may not have all of the functions but most of the course will still be relevant. We recommend using the latest iOS manual in all classes but have left legacy versions available for download.

If you have the ability to contact students ahead of the class, remind them to:

  • Bring a fully charged device to class.
  • Make sure they bring their Apple ID and password if they have one.
  • Make sure they bring password information for any other email or social media accounts to class.
  • Bring any iPad accessories they want to share.

We suggest having a simple Wi-Fi password and posting it prominently to reduce time and errors for students logging on.
Read blog posts about the iPhone.

Marketing and Catalog Copy

iPhone: The Complete Guide
Want to know how to use your iPhone like a pro? This class will help you master all of the functions you need to get started including how to set up email accounts and connect to the Internet, download apps and organize them using Home screens and folders, how to take pictures and share via social media, how to use maps, and Siri. And, of course, how to make and answer calls. This course covers many features you will use frequently including Emergency SOS calls, the new Control Center, Do Not Disturb while Driving, apps that are connected to iMessage and more.

iPhone: The Basics
Want to know how to get started with your iPhone? This class covers what you need to get started including how to set up email accounts, navigation and gestures, the Control Center, notifications, and more.


iPhone iOS 17: The Complete Guide
Current version: September 2023
Translations: English
Recommended course length: 6 sessions
Number of pages: 162 pages

iPhone iOS 15: The Basics
Current version: March, 2022
Translations: English, Spanish
Recommended course length: 1-2 sessions
Number of pages: 76 pages

iPhone iOS 15: The Complete Guide
Current version: March, 2022
Translations: English, Spanish
Recommended course length: 5-6 sessions
Number of pages: 161 pages


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