Exploring Google

Google has some of the world’s most popular applications for desktop and mobile use. This course focuses on 3 of the most popular: maps, calendar, and Google Drive for PCs.

Instructor information

Students will need a Google account. Google changes the process used to create accounts from time to time. Currently, if you use the CAPTCHA there doesn’t seem to be a requirement for a verification number. However, Google may limit the number of accounts that you can create from a single IP address, so we recommend that when possible students create an account prior to coming or that instructors have dummy accounts that they can use for instructional purposes. All email providers are similar and change their requirements at will.

Note that Gmail is covered in Introduction to Email.
Read Blog Posts about Google

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Come explore some of the most helpful apps that Google offers. This course will introduce you to storing and backing up your files in Google Drive, finding your way around and viewing the world in a new way with Google Maps, and keeping your personal and professional life scheduled in Google Calendar. These apps are all free to use and are available for both desktop and mobile devices. This class will introduce you to the desktop versions of each app.


Current version: February 2021
Translations: English and Spanish
Recommended course length: 3 sessions
Number of pages: 61 pages


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