Are you cyber-safe?

Oasis Connections continues to offer online safety and cyber-crime prevention classes.

Starting in 2004, Oasis recognized the need for educating digital newcomers on online safety and privacy to build confidence and make their online experience safe.

Oasis Connections currently offers six classes and additional YouTube videos dedicated to educating on:

  • Identifying secure websites beyond https and recognizing legitimate web addresses (url’s)
  • Defining, recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts sent through text messaging, social media sites and email
  • Preventing identity theft and thwarting ransomware attacks
  • Understanding safe use of public Wi-Fi and home Wi-Fi security
  • Utilizing a password manager, a second layer of online security via 2-factor authentication (2FA) and implementing best practices for securing passwords

Want to know how cyber-savvy you are?

Take our 10 question quiz to test your knowledge!

Internet Security Info-graphic
Cybercrime Knowledge Quiz
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1. For certain types of fraud, older adults are the target of choice for cybercriminals.
Cybercrime Fighters Interest